Not feeling very funny today... by A. Klemmer
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I got a remark on this one that made me think, "Uh-oh." So let me just clarify: The Katrina referenced above was the fabulously destructive hurricane. This strip came to mind as I listened to radio reports of the devastation in Louisiana--and of people looking for lost relatives they'll likely never find. The strip reflects how I felt, how a lot of people feel. So, no, it's not the nun in the previous strip, nor our crazy neighbor who blasts anyone within earshot with litanies of obsenities. Nor especially is it Katrina Pugnois of Santa Fe, New Mexico. (She and her pet chihuahua seem to have taken special offense.) Our apologies for any confusion. Thanks for listening.
I got it right away - don't worry most people will know what you're on about!
Love your work!
Did you know, btw, that 'klem' means 'hug' in most scandinavian tongue? So your signature reads: A Hugger. That's kinda nice, don't you think?
"A Hugger." Yeah, that is kinda nice. Thanks for stopping by.
Just found your site by random jumping around and from what I've seen I think it's great. I really liked this strip and think it speaks well, since I am from the area that Katrina effected. I live right outside of New Orleans in Slidell, an area that got pretty hard.
Hey John: Thanks for poking around my blog some and letting me know you like it. I checked out your profile and saw that you're into Harlan Ellison. One of my favorite short stories is his "The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore." You may be one of the few I'll ever run into who've read it. Or maybe not.
P.S. I hope your recovery from Katrina has gone well.
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