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Welcome to Twitz, an interactive comic strip where visitors who leave comments can do more than just influence the story. They can end up in the story.
To get caught up, visit Archive Klemmer. Then come back here for your daily dose.
Thanks for giving Twitz a shot.
Nice Things People Have Said
I picked [Twitz] because it
made me laugh, and that's sorely needed right about ... always.
Jen Garrett
Nothing can compare to comic strips except an interactive comic strip, which is what Twitz seems to be...
Heheh... the comments left for each strip can influence what happens next.
- An Ambiguous Wanderer
Holy crap, I love this strip.
- From a comment by Thérèse
Think Dilbert meets The Simpson's meets political cartoons
that make you think; without making you think. Guest stars like Rosie,
G. W. Bush, Osama... it's a party and you'll laugh if you're educated...
or simple minded.
The Babbling Dweeb
Love the recent stuff. Politics and religion presented with intelligence.
So unusual these days.
- Amy, via e-mail
Where're the damn Cats?
- Paul Newman
[Twitz] does comic strips. I don't really get them.
crass commercialization
Blessed are those who link to Twitz
- The Book of Bunny, Chapter I
Blogroll Me!
Last 10 Strips
- Redirect
- Now Playing The Da Bunny Code in our ...
- I'm hoping to start posting strips again by the en...
- Catch Up - To Be Continued...
- Catch Up, Part II
- Catch Up, Part I
- And the winner is...
- Twitz Insider
- ...and Seek
- Hide...
About Me
- Name: A. Klemmer
Remember, brother Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone. So I chucked that mutha.
- Paraphrased from Berkeley Breathed's Bloom County
aklemmer at earthlink dot net
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- October 2006
I have a ways to go.